Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Front cover development

First of all I took a medium close up picture of my model, as she didn’t want her face to be in the picture I had to think of an alternative positioning, so I opted to make it look as if she’s working from a book.

I then took a picture of the sign from the main entrance of the college, and used the quick selection tool, as well as the polygonal lasso tool on Photoshop to cut out the word ‘Wyke’.

I then placed the logo upon the piece of paper that my model was writing on and used the blending and smudging tools to make it look more realistic.
Then I added the masthead ‘In the know’ I did this by using the text tool on Photoshop. I then positioned it at the top of the front cover, and changed the colour of it to the most similar purple to the ‘Wyke’ logo that I could find.

I then came up with some fitting headlines and placed them onto the front cover as well, I decided to keep the font the same as the mast head, to keep a consistent house style, but change the colour to green as this is another one of the two colours that Wyke uses as its branded colours.

Finally, in white I placed the other information needed upon my magazine, such as the date, issue number and website. I used the same font but reduced the size as this information is deemed as not as important as the mast head and headlines.
I then ended up producing my final front cover for my magazine.

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