Thursday, 17 November 2011

Target audience, cost and publishing of my music magazine

Demographics & Psycho graphics:
The target audience for my music magazine will be as follows; aged between 16-30 both males and females. Looking at the S.E.G (socio-economic group) scale, this is based upon the estimated income of people living in the U.K. I feel most comfortable with aiming my magazine at people who fall into the C1, C2, D & E bands they take up 82% of the U.K’s population and most if not all administrative workers, semi-skilled workers or unemployed. Now looking at the VAL scale (value of lives) my target audience will all hopefully come from each category therefore it’s easier to please everybody when creating my magazine rather than focusing on one particular group e.g. groups who are inner-directed (experimentalists and I-am-me’s) then I would therefore have to make the magazine’s house style less consistent and make it more scattered and dispersed.

Considering the demographics and psycho graphics of my magazine, they’ve helped me to make a decision for the price and publishing of my magazine too. It will be priced at £2.50, and published every month, I’ve chosen to do this because I believe that even if you’re unemployed or on a low income, you can still afford £2.50 each month on a treat, in this case my music magazine! After looking at the prices of other music magazines that are published monthly such as; ‘Q’ and ‘Clash’ they’re priced at around £3.50, therefore I believe there’s a gap in the market for the price range of my magazine.

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